Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Snowy Dreams

Snowy Dreams
As the music falls swiftly between the seats and around the two figures in the back seat, steam begins to place itself on the windows. The comfort of warmth makes its presence known subtly to its enchanters. Small noises are magnified, as the simple pleasurable sounds are made; the soft sound of clothes touching, the sound of moving bodies on the fake leather material. The sound of breathing depicting a picture for those who cannot or simply do not wish to see such a sight of art be created, lets the audience know when things are slowing down and when things are picking up.
The brightness from the sun is magnified and scattered by the elegant snow that is the earth's blanket; causing an illuminated glow of some kind. Smiley kisses are exchanged constantly and passionately between the two. Happy memories were being created. Just the two of them in a cold winter land snuggled together in the back seat of a little car, adding even more closeness.
 They could barely see out since the snow covered the windows pretty good, and what wasn't covered by the snow, the steam covered the rest. The music created an atmosphere that really could only be experienced in stories and movies. Gazing into each other's eyes, they programmed in their minds that they would be different from all the rest. They knew that what they found was love, what they found was true happiness...
The couple couldn't wait to tell the mysterious man they met a few weeks ago what they discovered. For they were told by this mysterious man, that if they discovered the truth about themselves from each other, they would live a happy life, but if they didn't heartache would greet them in their life.  After sleeping for a couple of hours, they got out the car and went inside the house to clean up and then walked to the park that was nearby to meet the mysterious man at the designated spot.
 When they arrived, the man was already there, waiting and smiling. The couple held hands and walked even quicker smiling along the way. The man spoke saying "I see that you have your answer. Now before you two speak, make sure that the words you are going to use for your answer, are really what you want to say. You had time to think about this, but I want to give you one last chance. So let me know when you are ready." The couple looked at one another, then back at the man smiling. The young man said, "We're ready to answer." "So..."the mysterious man said, "What truth did you discover about yourself from one another?"
     "Well..." the young man began, "We learned that we were meant for each other. That we have differences just like everyone else, but we can work through them. We can help each other, by being the strength in the areas where we are weak in. And we both been hurt before, so we know how to actually love and listen to one another and work as a team." The couple stood there smiling, squeezing each other's hand while the mysterious man smiled at them kindly, eyes barely open. A few moments went by as the three stood there in the park while heavy snow flakes gently landed on them and around them.
     Then the mysterious man spoke. "Your answer was a good one, a very good one; however I am not pleased to tell you that your good answer was not the right answer." The couple's smile drifted away and their hands separated.
     "What do you mean it wasn't good enough?" The young man said with tension in his voice. "What possibly else could I have said?!" "That's exactly my point young man.", the older gentleman said. "You did all the talking, never once did you let the young woman speak, who clearly had words she would have liked to say on her own. But never once did you let her have a chance.     
     You spoke of being a team, but I wonder what definitions you two have for such a word. Young man, you said that both of you have been hurt, so you know how to love. In what ways have you been hurt and how have you healed, if at all, from that hurt? You also said that you have differences like everyone else, but you will get through them. In what ways do you mean by "get through"? Does that mean you will support her in her differences and she would the same? Or does that mean that one of you will have to cease doing what the other does not tolerate, and start doing something the other loves doing?
      In the past relationships you have encountered, someone has hurt you, before you could even suspect it. So in this relationship you tried having the final say so. But if the decision that you made was wrong, you will shift the blame from yourself and give it to her or someone or something else. You expect for her to no longer do what she does that you do not like, but when it comes to you doing something she doesn't like she must deal with it, and accept you for the way you are since you never were really accepted for who you were by others.
     You also have an anger problem, no doubt which you probably learned from your father, who you hate with a passion for what he did to you, your brother, and your mother. And it angers you if even a trace of your father is around in any form.
     "Hold on just a second old man!" the young man said. "Now why are you getting on my case?” he pointed to himself and then to the young woman, "What about her?! She isn't Miss. Perfect you know! I had to go through a crap load with her. Why don't you start hounding her on her imperfections? She can take it."
     "You are right my son" the older man said. "My dear, come here and stand in front of me." The young woman walked from the young man and walked to the spot the older man spoke of, and the old man said to her, "In your heart, you say that you love this man. That you would do anything to make him happy. But in your mind, you have doubt; you think that you could have someone better than him. You think that if you go through with being with him that it would wreck your chances of experiencing your dreams, of doing what you want to do.
      Yes you have been hurt before. By men who abused you by taking advantage of you, and causing you to be always submissive. You haven't completely healed from that, but you have learned how to love in a different way. Instead of being concerned about the person that you are in a relationship with, you have flipped the script and now you play the possessive submissive. You say that you are concerned about the young man's needs, but you know and I know that is not entirely true. You were the one in the relationship, who actually wanted to take it to the level you just experienced moments prior to this meeting. He did not, but you insisted by using your charm and your so called “innocence”, to have him think that he really wanted to do it, but he wanted to be nice for your case, and in doing so, he would be rewarded for such honor by having the honor to be with you."
     The young woman was red in the face and speechless, as well as the young man who looked from the older man to the young woman, and became very angry. "So all that this geezer is saying is true huh?! Is that what you really think?! Well answer me!!" the young man said with his hands in fists and a vein popping from his neck as he moved closer to the young woman. The young woman backed away with her hands over her mouth, tears streaming down her face.
     "Oh so you're crying now huh? I take that as a yes then, you Trick!! Well you know what...? The joke is all on you because I was actually thinking the same thing, but unlike you, I was doing something about it. I figured that we probably wouldn't last, since you act too innocent for your own good, so I started seeing other people. I already did it with them, but I just didn't want to get you pregnant, because the less child support the better. And I knew that you would want me to be with you forever if you were knocked up and I sure as Heck didn't want that.  
     My god, if it wasn't for this old guy, I would have made a horrible mistake believing all those lies." The young man, after speaking, then turned to the older man, looked at him with a serious grim look and said, “Thanks you old man, I could have really jacked myself up being with that." he said while pointing at the young woman who was still in a frozen state.
      He walked over to her took her hand, and pulled the engagement ring off her finger. "Consider this your two week notice to get your crap out of my apartment and get the heck away from me." he said then walked away as tears began to blur his vision. The young woman’s legs couldn't support her anymore and soon she found herself sitting in the snow stunned with tears streaming down her face like the river that she was close to that didn't freeze all the way yet.

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